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以Back to Simple為基礎,結合過去與未來的兩個時空為元素,打造平價中的精品。 online shop ☆ since 2009 January ★ SoulOut Garage store ☆ since 2010 December ★ SoulOut New store ☆ since 2011 June ★ facebook:http://www.facebook.com/SoulOut.tw?sk=info 官網: www.SoulOut.com.tw
香港中南集團成立於1935年,75年來持續穩定發展,觸角廣及精鑄、傢俱、電子多種產業。中南創發集團(中南集團附屬公司)台北公司於2010年11月成立,目前銷售自行研發生產之觸控模組、保護玻璃、PVD專業鍍膜、筆記型電腦以及手機相關金屬零件等。 公司潛力無窮,期望有志菁英青年加入我們的團隊。 Chung Nam Group of companies is based in Hong Kong, tracing its origin back to over 75 years ago. The late Mr. and Mrs. CHONG Ching Um founded the group in 1935, engaging in export, manufacturing, and trading in the Southeast Asian markets. Towards 2000, in-house research and development resulted in a breakthrough with different patents being filed. The group gradually became diversified through acquisitions and establishing new joint ventures. CN Innovations Group (subsidiaries of Chung Nam Group) is headquartered in Hong Kong and employs over 10,000 people all over the world. The group has a focused structure operating with two platforms: (1) technology and manufacturing, and (2) distribution and retailing.
創立於1986年,以專精的技術,優質的服務 ,與獨特的三品(品質 品味 品牌)經營理念,迎接市場激烈的競爭。經理黃上修來自時尚之都香港,將眼鏡視同珠寶華服,同具裝飾配件的概念,以全新的思維,讓顧客戴的清晰舒適之外,更兼顧了修飾臉型,提升品味的附加價值。 經理eric Wong具有美國光學技師執照,所帶領的師傅群個個擁有18~25年的豐富經驗,口碑口耳相傳,這亦是恩瑞眼鏡的一大特色。 恩瑞眼鏡與一般眼鏡公司最大的不同點是:店經理每年會飛到歐洲,參與米蘭Mido眼鏡大展 和 巴黎Silmo眼鏡大展,下單訂貨。並與超級品牌的頂尖大師們會晤。因此,提供顧客最IN 最HOT的時尚新框,走在世界眼鏡流行尖端。 我們客戶群,涵蓋知名企業家,企業菁英,政治家,金融家,名醫院長,當紅偶像藝人歌手,名模, 名媛, 頂尖設計師與時尚達人....不勝繁舉。 謝謝雜誌,報紙等媒體.對本店的採訪報導 Eric’s Optical was first started in 1986. We have three principles that we strictly follow in order to reach the satisfaction our customers have. They are "Quality、Brand、and Taste". Some of our main brands include: alain mikli、Starck、Cartier、ic! berlin、theo、TAG Heuer、Beausoleil、Bellinger、lessthanhuman、 GoldWood 、L.A.eyeworks、martin martin、IYOKO INYAKe、Markus T、 theo、 Vera Wang ,TOM FORD、Mykita、Ferrari、Reiz,and more. We frequently set up conventions and events to announce and introduce our customers with the newest frame and information about the industry. We also recall old customers back to shop for exclusive services and deals which is known as the 「Eric’s Optical Lao You(old friend) Day」. Our shop is decorated seasonally、for to make the shop more lively and give our customers a new different feeling as they walk in our shop every time. We view the education of our employees’ skills and knowledge very importantly. Although the economy of Taiwan has been in a down slope for the past few years、we still manage to increase our revenues each year. We have been an important customer and partner for alain mikli、Cartier、 ic! berlin、Lindberg、Gold Wood etc............ Welcome foreign friends ,We have English service.
江進木業股份有限公司 JCO WOODENWARE CO., LTD. 台灣地址:彰化縣埤頭鄉彰水路四段78號 NO.78 SEC.4 CHANG SHUI RD. PI TOU CHANG HWA, TAIWAN. 電話:04-8926911 傳真:04-8925999 E-MAIL: [email protected] http://www.jcowood.com/ 台灣彰化廠於73年成立,於83年外移到越南,目前人員約900人,而大陸廠於92年成立,目前約600人,產業全部外移到大陸和越南,主要生產木製品的傢具桌椅、架子、床組…等,外銷歐美亞洲世界各地。 COMPANY PROFILE 1984 Company ostablished in Taiwan,specialized in production Oak toilet seat and bathroom accessories and exported to American markets . 1987 Increase new production line ,specialized in Japanese folding table and others. 1989 Started into Vietnam and purchased parts ,brought back to Taiwan for coating and re-exported to Japan . 1992 Invested and set up manufactory in Vietnam and directly exported to Europe and Japen 1994 Total annual turnover in both Taiwan and Viewan USD10,000,000 1998 Increased new production lines are focused on European occational products. 2000 Total annual tumover in Vietnam is USD16000000. Our motto is ”QUALITY and CREDIT” it proved our success Manufactory
 民國62年5月份成立的三益工業社是由鄧氏兄弟聯手經營,專營馬達生產及馬達的維修組裝。民國63年6月組織擴編,改名為鄧元工業股份有限公司。  鄧元工業股份有限公司早期從馬達的生產組裝到PUMP、逆滲透RO純水機過濾器,以及其他的週邊產品,都在國內外深受肯定及榮獲各類獎項。並於2005年4月通過ISO9001:2000認證、CNAB、TAF認證之經濟部標準檢驗局ISO9001驗證,向品質之路邁進了一步。 Since 1977, Deng Yuan Industrial Co. Ltd has been manufacturing RO pumps and water purification systems from household units to industrial use treatment systems. Our mission is to provide high quality water and air purification products at competitive prices and provide unsurpassed customer service to our valued customers. In addition to Water Quality Association membership, we have received ISO 9001:2000 in 2005 and NSF, SGS, CE, TAF and CNAB certifications as well as national awards and recognition. As to our products and service, we adhere to the highest standard of quality by setting a strict quality control system to our production. and stop nothing short of excellent customer service. Purification systems are designed to customer preferences and thanks to impute from our valued customers we continue to enlarge and improve our selection of water purification products. To provide the best possible product choice, Deng Yuan has united with a team of supplier manufactures to provide the widest choice range possible for our customers. In addition to products like our patented adjustable high pressure pumps and bio-ceramic Kenbisui filters, Deng Yuan continues to innovate and improve on current products. With the continual degradation of drinking water, Deng Yuan sets out to manufacturer environmentally friendly products that not only provide clean water but goes a step further to take drinking water back to its original pristine fullness so that all people can maintain good health.
開力農藝有限公司成立以來一直秉持人本精神,綠色環保為宗旨, 無毒農學 : 一個關乎農業、生態、健康飲食及休閒的巨球已然推動~ 生生不息的綠色革命在默默紮根,且將隨著時代的推移演進,永不間斷的滾動著; 即使日後改朝換代,這種對土地的良知和覺醒, 將永遠屹立不墜,成為後代守護洄瀾夢土的新使命。 新事業部 營運規劃: 1--核心價值 -開力農藝自動發芽菜機 / 專利商標( 所有權人) --無毒農學 / 社 區 型 栽 種 農 場 --實驗農場 -- 台中市北區育德路+尚德街 2--利基商品 --業務事業部 -- --商品品牌 -- 活 能 芽 樂 R --商品--全營養黃豆芽漿 / 活能綠豆芽/ 精力湯 / 芽菜樂活輕食料理 --體驗行銷--宗教 / 團體 / 社區 / 協會 --社區宅配送服務 3 --行銷通路 --連鎖事業部 – (規 劃 中) --採 社區授權 / 以[里]為單位 / 保障經營 --分銷加盟 --- [店 中 店] 策略 / 早午餐 與 咖啡餐飲通路 -- 雙業態經營-- (店 銷 + 經 銷) 提升倍增獲利 --分銷加盟 / 每家約 1 0 ~ 1 5 萬元(生財營業設備+店招宣傳物) --展業商店(開店訓練)-台中市北區育德路(中國醫藥教學大樓旁) 4 --休旅產業 --休閒觀光農場 + 無毒蔬食食療 -- (規 劃 中) --身心靈全方位保健營 + 排毒淨化營 --基 地 -南投縣竹山鎮 (紫南宮 / 秀傳醫院附近) --自有土地資產, 3,000 坪建地,,開發投資價值約 5 億 願 景 展 望 : * 成功企業 獲利的方程式 ~ 1 -- 商品的創新與研發技術 2 -- 穩定的原物料成本 3 -- 向心力的員工股東 4 -- 忠誠的顧客關係 企 業 化 管理 ~ 基業長青將依靠一個堅實的人才管理階梯, 一路正確對待和培養人才,形成連綿不絕的知識供應鏈,, 去塑造企業文化 ,, 建立組織一致目標與共識 ! 員 工 股 東 化 ~ 將是企業維持競爭力與獲利力的最佳動力! 後 註: 一、科技環境改變,企業賽局重心, 已從單純的價格競爭平台升級到價值創造的競賽平台, 消費者從網路上透明地比價錢之餘, 也比個性化與個人化價值。 二、因此,價值創造的賽局裡,需要營造一個~ [ 人與系統 ] 的有機經營模式, 將消費者、經銷商、製造商、供應商, 及關聯產業廠商聯結起來,共同進行簡單而基本的工程, 以打造科技與人文的互動平台。 三、【A B C經營循環】創造系統價值- 就是將產業供應鏈的每一個關係人, 包括垂直及水平方向關係人,大家聯結起來。 【Associate】-回歸基本面 【Back to Basic】-做基礎建設,無私地貢獻智慧, 汲取智慧,不斷創造-【Creation】, 用這簡單的【ABC經營循環】來將複雜的關係, 多元的需求,不同個體與團體的利益聯結, 才能夠創造整體與個體價值,大家[共好] 詳見本公司官網
公司簡介 源起: 一個台灣精緻產品推廣的故事,二個來自漁村小孩白手起家的經驗 三個深植人心感動消費者的品牌,10年打造兩岸四地海內外約150家直營門市 橫跨台灣 澳門 香港 珠海 深圳 上海 北京 印尼 新加坡 日本 七個國家與地區 【COME BUY】正式成立於2002年,兩位創辦人─期許能以茶代酒,延續中國悠久的茶道文化。【COME BUY】發音同於日文的”乾杯”,英文的解釋也正意指“來買”,好記、好唸,讓消費者過目不忘! 珍珠奶茶是台灣小吃文化的代表,但大多數飲品店多是提供非真材實料的香料茶,因此兩位創辦人重新思考以消費者喝的健康為目標,將喝茶年輕化,打造【COME BUY】=世界茶,因為這些堅持,加上30年專業烘焙製茶團隊與專業品鑑師顧問團隊的持續努力,終於引進世界三大茗茶『烏瓦、大吉嶺、祁門』,並使用國際知名品牌奶精,全面提升珍珠奶茶品質,讓消費者能喝到來自世界各地不同的頂尖茶品,最重要是唯一通過國際級SGS現調茶品認證,至今仍無人能及。因為【COME BUY】一直很重視的是:滿足消費者需求與品牌保證。 此外,還賦予視覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺、味覺五種全『心』感動,到【COME BUY】所喝得每一杯茶,您都看得到茶葉的美、聞得到茶葉的香、摸得到茶葉的質,唯一做到現點現泡,品嚐只有在家喝得到的現泡原片茶!展現【COME BUY】茶道的專業,創辦人深信這樣的專業好茶才可以撼動人心! 這樣的理念正由海內外150家直營門市不斷傳承與深化,台灣人的勤奮與創新,將迥異於一般市售泡沫紅茶的絕佳口感與香氣,為外帶茶飲市場注入一股新生命力。 大事紀: ComeBuy於2002年再台北市東區成立了第一家門市,近十年的發展,讓ComeBuy成為兩岸三地消費者喜愛的品牌,並以邁向世界為目標。 2001年 正式籌備,兩位創辦人將品牌名稱,產品設定及市場定位多方研討 2002年 於台北市開出【COME BUY】第一家門市。 2003年 迅速擴點4家門市。 2004年 成功切入北縣市場。 2005年 攻下淡水、基隆、澎湖、桃園等地茶飲市場。 2006年 成立總管理處、物流部門,並已有超過60家門市,奠定北台灣魅力品牌的地位。 2007年 進駐澳門、珠海、廣州等地區,並與LA FEE VERTE品牌相結合,合力創造最專業、最優質的通路品牌。 2008年 海內外突破120家門市,飲品陸續通過SGS檢驗,且獲得台灣觀光局宣傳媒體,代表台灣於海外宣傳台灣觀光之美、創新傳統飲茶文化。 2009年 再次獲選成為台灣觀光局宣傳媒體,並成為經濟部指導之WOW卡特約品牌,與其他知名餐飲集團齊名,正式進駐大中華地區,於香港、中國上海陸續開店。 2010年 參加第11屆台北國際連鎖加盟大展,將事業版圖擴大至全亞洲、美洲與大洋洲,成為東方星巴克,並甫獲知名電視台TVBS、壹電視、1111創業網採訪報導。 我們擁有完整的內部優良員工創業機制,以利潤分享方式,至今讓超過25位以上的優秀店長創業成功,讓員工們擁有自己的事業! 唯有我們真正讓員工擁有海內外的創業機會,我們堅信人的一生或許只是需要把握一次機會,想法的改變只是一瞬間,機會卻不會一直等待!! 加入我們,你也可以是下一位圓夢者!!
The story of Eddy’s Cantina Back in the old country Mario and Rosa Gonzalez the young newly weds of Guadalajara had their first born child (a girl named Irlanda) and then immigrated to Canada. Shortly after in the small town of Kitimat B.C. Canada Eddy and younger brother Kyle were born. Since childhood Mario and Rosa taught the children the secrets of cooking Mexican food that were taught to them by their parents. Some time later Eddy moved to Taipei where he met his soon to be wife Jo Tzeng. After they married Jo mentioned that her dream was to open a small eatery or coffee shop because she was really a people person. The couple agreed but Eddy insisted that everything should be Mexican so they decided to open a burrito stand to first see how people would react to Mexican food in Taiwan,they called it Eddy Burrito. 10 months flew by and the couple decided to move to a nearbylocation where they could offer customers decent food at a decent price in a decent atmosphere. Eddy’s Cantina was born. Now the couple runs the small restaurant where customers can come and get Mexican food and Mexican Drinks at reasonable prices. 我們的故事 從前一對來自墨西哥瓜達拉哈拉的新婚夫妻—馬力歐(Mario)和羅莎(Rosa),他們育有一個可愛的女兒叫愛爾蓮達(Irlanda)艾迪的媽媽,隨後移民到加拿大。多年後,在加拿大的一個小鎮Kitimat,艾迪和弟弟凱爾(Kyle)誕生了。艾迪和凱爾小時候父母就開始傳授他們的墨西哥菜家傳食譜,就如他們的祖父母曾經傳授給他們父母一樣。 後來艾迪在台灣遇見了他的妻子Jo。Jo曾經對艾迪說過,因為她是一個好客的人,所以夢想可以開一家餐廳或咖啡廳。艾迪希望能夠以墨西哥菜為主題,所以為了想要進一步了解台灣人對墨西哥菜的反應,他們在淡水老街,從一個賣墨西哥捲餅的攤子做起,這個小攤子就叫做『艾迪捲餅』(Eddy Burrito)。 就這樣十個月過了,他們決定找個好一點的地方,提供給顧客更好的用餐環境跟品質,於是在附近開了這家小餐廳,以最平實的價格,提供大家最道地的墨西哥餐飲;『艾迪墨西哥餐廳』就此誕生。
本公司至力於生產機器使用之高精密鎢鋼刀具,行銷世界各地。 In 1991.when the world recession hit and International sells declined, we focused more on the domestic market today we service both the domestic and International markets The main concept behind Speed Tools has been providing quality & competitive cost, delivery & Service are achieves the high quality standard productive, accuracy and performance results. High worker productivity has allowed us to have strong growth over the last few year established Speed tools as a highly reputed manufacturer in End Mills line. And our economies of scale allow us competitive advantages. Time to time our popularity & demand in this high Tech world. As brings our unique line of End Mills and high performance results which is allowed us to have our clients trust & market share. Speed Tools mission is to function as a team dedicated to our worldwide clients by supplying the tools and machineries they need in a professional manner and with courtesy. This competition year we concentrate our End mills better performance and take advantage to provide different applications powerful technology, precise and advance facilities skilled workers makes good quality come true we focus on perfect and prompt delivery systematic facilities assurance is the heart of quality. We have strict procedures to assure quality and we keep listening to Clients voices and feed-back also devote ourselves to future improvement. Also we proudly manufacturing Clients specification & drawings.
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